What Is Bisexual?

What Counts as Bisexual?

Humans have a strong need to explain everything clearly. However, we can’t do it in every single case. The world isn’t black and white but comes in a variety of colors. Sometimes, it confuses and disturbs us.

Bisexuality is one of these things that don’t fit any box we’re familiar with. And since we’re not sure how to describe or see it, we often come with a banal explanation. For that reason, it’s always a good idea to learn a bit more about things we don’t understand.

Here’s everything you wanted to know about bisexuality.

Who Is classified as bisexual?

Some people have the power to be attracted to both men and women. In general, they are the ones who identify as bisexual. Sometimes, their attraction to people doesn’t even have anything to do with gender and sex.

But it’s not always that simple.

Bisexual people define their sexual orientation in various ways. But, regardless of their way of experiencing and expressing it, it’s often seen as something between being gay and straight. And this type of bisexual definition brings up some questions that are a bit tricky to answer. For instance, where exactly is that middle ground called bisexuality? And where’s the limit between being gay or straight and bisexual?

Of course, people wanted to give a straight and simple answer to these questions. So, today you can even do a test online that describes your sexual orientation. It’s called the Kinsey scale. By answering a few questions about your sexual experiences and behaviors, you can learn where you are on the scale from 0 (purely heterosexual) to 6 (strictly homosexual).

However, human sexuality is a bit more complicated than that. And it shouldn’t be experienced or seen as a number on a scale from 0 to 6. So, it may be simpler to look at bisexuality as something that goes outside of the box. The sexual attraction is something each one of us experiences in our own unique way.

Do Bisexuals Like One Gender Over the Other?

As we mentioned, bi people feel sexual and romantic attraction to people of various genders. Sometimes, they don’t care at all about the sex or gender of the person they’re attracted to. In that case, they may even prefer to identify themselves as pansexuals.

But in other cases, bisexuality has a lot to do with being attracted to masculinity and feminity in one or multiple genders. It’s possible that a bisexual person likes both of these, but prefers one over the other. And sometimes, it can also mean that they prefer one gender over the other. But it’s important to mention that bisexuality comes in a variety of forms. So, no one can come up with a rule that stands for everyone in the bisexual community.

Is Bisexuality Just a Phase?

Some people like to engage in sexual experiments, and they’ve possibly tried out a bunch of things, including sex with the person of the same sex. But this doesn’t classify them as gay or bi. Bisexuality isn’t just sexual experimenting or a phase — it’s rather a part of sexual identity and the way some of us present and see ourselves. It doesn’t necessarily change with time.

Science says our sexual orientation depends on genetics, hormones, and the environment in which we grew up. Furthermore, humans aren’t the only animals that can be gay or bi. That means that it’s not something we can simply choose, or suddenly decide to change.

So, the bi person who settled down with one partner didn’t simply decide to turn gay or straight. Human sexuality doesn’t really work that way.

In most cases, bi folks still present themselves as bisexuals, and the way they express this part of themselves in a relationship varies and depends on many factors.

How Bisexuals Deal With Relationships

Communication is an integral part of every relationship. Sometimes, it’s the only way you can deal with issues and obstacles. Even though bisexuality itself isn’t a problem, it can still cause difficulties in a relationship. For that reason, talking about it is crucial.

However, it can happen that a person isn’t wholly aware of their sexual orientation. That can certainly cause a serious issue in the relationship. Again, talking about these sorts of things and being open-minded is the only solution.

So, if the person is aware and open about their sexual identity and preferences, the relationship can work out. But sometimes, bi people wish to keep the relationship more casual. That means that they should look for partners who are comfortable with it. And finding the right person to hook up with isn’t that simple even in more usual circumstances.

But there’s no reason why a bi person can’t fall in love with someone and be in a healthy relationship. As long as both parties are open and accepting, any relationship can work out. Whether they decide to keep it more casual or to settle down, bisexuality isn’t something that stands in their way.

Sex in Bisexuality

It’s a general opinion that if you’re bisexual, sex can’t be perfect — ever. People think that a bi person always needs more to get sexual satisfaction. Or, even better, some think that they always need to have threesomes to reach sexual pleasure. But these are prejudices, not reality. Bisexuals, too, can have an amazing sexual experience with one partner. (See these threesome sex tips)

However, it can be a bit tricky when they are with someone of a gender they are less attracted to. But this doesn’t have to be a serious problem. If they’re ready to work on it and communicate, they can find the right solution.

And there are more ways they can solve that type of issue. For instance, they can decide to keep a relationship open and casual. Or, they can go with polygamy and find the third partner. And certain sex toys can be helpful and fun to use, like strap-ons, dildos, male masturbators, vibrators, etc.

So, the opinion that bisexuality means being unable to reach mind-blowing orgasms is far from the truth. Again, a certain sexual orientation itself isn’t an issue — it can become a problem only if we see it and approach it that way.